28 October 2009

Not enough to knit!

I currently only have one thing on the needles! And unfortunately, it requires too much looking-at to be practical to knit while watching TV or reading, but it's moving along slowly:

Selbu modern in progress, favoured side

What had brought about this strange state of affairs is finishing off two things in the last week: the dragon's breath scarf, and the swimming coriolis. This is the scarf in its unblocked state:
Unblocked dragon's breath scarf

And this is it held taut-ish to show the pattern off:
Dragon's breath scarf held taut
(That's the edge of my Wisteria sleeve visible on the left, and the edge of Making Money by Terry Pratchett (which I haven't yet read) on the right.)

I'm planning to only lightly block this - I like how it looks like very complex cables as it is now, and I think blocking it completely flat would lose some of its charm.

These are the swimming coriolis:

Finished swimming coriolis
They look rather more leftovery (which they are) than I hoped, because the roll of the cast-off edge obscures most of the second band of the variegated yarn, so I'm rethinking my original intention of giving these as a gift - I don't think they're nice enough :-/

I've got various other projects (all gifts) wandering around in my head, but I haven't got round to doing anything concrete like swatching or sketching or even winding the yarn into balls. Unusually, I want to be already knitting rather than starting to knit, which is a bit of a problem when most of my knitting time isn't well suited to my sole current project. I'm hoping that writing this post will serve as a kind of catalyst, and prompt me to go and do one of those things, but I'm sufficiently distrustful of today's energy levels (I'm coming down with a cold) to avoid saying that I'm going to go and start something as soon as I click "publish post" ;-)

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12 October 2009

Catching up

This is Ella blocking, all flat! I've worn her a couple of times, and she's nice and warm, and I'm pleased I paid attention to alternating the more- and less-variegated skeins in knitting her.

This is the Zauberball I mentioned in my last post, in the process of becoming the dragon's breath scarf (so named because this is an adaptation of the flickering flames pattern, and red). I'm a lot further on now than in this picture - I just haven't taken any photos for ages.

I've finally finished both Lucas's Tomten and the red cardigan, both of which were waiting for fastenings, and I'd failed to find the green toggles and reddish-purple ribbon, respectively, I wanted, so in the end I plied some yarn (orange for tomten and the silk mix edging yarn for the red cardigan) against itself twice to make cord ties. The double plying means the cord is stable, and it's four times thicker than the working yarn, which is a good thickness.

I've now got three knitting projects on the go, and they're all actually in progress: yesterday I worked on all three of them, depending on how much my eyes were free to look at them:

  • Coriolis socks (almost no looking-at required) while working through some of the reading for the first week of my course

  • Dragon's breath scarf (some looking-at required) while watching TV

  • Selbu modern hat (lots of looking-at required) while listening to music

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