29 November 2009

Long time no blog

Over a month ago, I was half-heartedly whining about having only one thing on the needles, and the need to go and cast on for something else. Now I once again only have one thing on the needles (the same thing - selbu modern, which I've hardly touched in the meantime), but in between I have knit lots of things. My course kindly provides the required reading in A4-photocopies, which are conveniently flat, making it easy to knit and read at the same time as long as I choose my knitting carefully, and I've been doing a lot of reading since I last blogged. Sadly, I haven't yet worked out how to blog and read at the same time.

Immediately after hitting 'publish post' on my last post, I did indeed go and start preparing to start something else - I wound some handspun yarn (peacock) into a ball and started swatching. I'd been thinking for a while that this wanted to be a scarf in a peacock-tail lace pattern, and now it is! (Although it still needs blocking...)

Peacock scarf, unblocked

While knitting the scarf, I decided that I really needed a new hat. This is my own design, although I misjudged the width of the ribbing - it's this wide so I can fold back the hem, but I don't like how it looks folded, so I wear it unfolded and covering most of my face ;-) I'm planning to make another, with less ribbing, and then perhaps publish the pattern (heh, I'm always saying that and never do. Eventually!) The hat got christened on a very rainy Reclaim the Night march, and kept my head warm and toasty and dry throughout, so I am declaring it a success!

Pink pixie hat

When I said I only had one thing on the needles, I was using a rather strict definition of the term, because one of the off-the-needles things is a single mitten, the pair for which I'm going to cast on next. This is a modified version of Susie's reading mitts, worked upside down, with a different gauge and thumb gusset, and with the hem edges knit into the fabric rather than sewed down later. The lace pattern, which was drew me to the mitts in the first place, is unaltered :-)

One finished modified reading mitt

I spun the yarn for this over my birthday weekend, having given myself the weekend off all study-work and work-work (I'm still behind on both kinds of work because of this, but it's an article of faith that I don't work on my birthday). The yarn is rather more brown than I usually like, but I think the colours suit the pattern, and I'm enjoying how the colour shifts in different kinds of light, looking sometimes more purple, sometimes more brown, and sometimes more grey. This is chain-plyed to keep the colour changes intact, but I've got half of the fibre still unspun, so I think I'll two- or three-ply that to see the difference in finished colours. I'm getting quite interested in achieving different colour effects in finished yarn from the same fibre, and I've got some ideas about other ways to play with this, which I'll blog about if I get round to doing it before I lose interest in the idea!

If this doesn't sound like quite enough knitting in a month to be called 'lots', it's because about half of my November knitting has been on gifts for people who might conceivably read this blog, so the rest will have to stay unblogged until after Christmas!

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